Today in history: Bureaucrats under military command
Filipinos staffing the bureaucracy find themselves at the mercy of officers, 1942
Victor Buencamino (1888-1977) was head of NARIC, the National Rice and Corn Corporation (precursor of today’s NFA). In his diary for March 3, 1942, he describes having to adapt to being under the authority of Japanese officers, including his staff being arrested:
The NARIC will be reorganized to conform with the plans of the Army, Col. T. Uzaki, head of the Army food division, revealed this morning. The Colonel said: “Thus far the NARIC has handled only 5% of the harvest. To increase the volume of control, the NARIC’s organization must be expanded.”
(At present, the NARIC is allowed to purchase palay and rice in Bulacan only.)
“It might be necessary to make loans in cooperation with provincial departments,” the colonel pointed out. “If necessary,” he added, “we might have to form provincial cooperatives.”
Before leaving, he ordered the safes opened to draw ₱20,000 for provincial purchases.
Pagulayan was taken to Fort Santiago last night. He was arrested in his house. His desk, drawers, wardrobe—every nook and corner of his house were searched, ransacked.
What is the accusation against him? I asked Mr. Nakashima. He shook his head, muttered “Dunno.” He was afraid to talk.
I will miss Pagu in the office. He has been with me ever since I entered the Government. He knows me and I know him. We team well.
Lolita will be very sad when she hears about Pagu.
Will switch off the radio. I can’t stand swing music when my heart is heavy.
It’s a helluva life …
You can compare, day-to-day, what different people were recording in their diaries: see March 1942: WW2PH 80 Years After.