Today in history: Flying boat lifeline, 1942
Besieged Corregidor had one slender lifeline to the outside world: flying boats
USFIP’s Chief of Staff, Gen. Lewis Beebe, writing in Corregidor on April 17, 1942 describes the last lifeline of the island:
April 17, 1942
It was a little more quiet today. There were fewer air attacks and also a relatively small amount of artillery fire. Yesterday we caught a lot of high explosives, so the change today was all the more marked. However, the rest is a good thing for it gives time to get some of the batteries back in action which have been put out. All in all, it has been relatively peaceful today, as we have had very little office work. We sent a radio to Gen. MacArthur the other day asking for a naval sea plane to come up here to ferry personnel and supplies between here and Mindanao—personnel from here who are surplus from Bataan and supplies from Mindanao. We sent a follow-up on it today, as we need such a ship badly. The situation in Cebu is bad, and it looks like that island is just about gone. Iloilo is in Jap hands, and I fear it is just a matter of time before Panay will be in Jap hands also. Sharp was placed back in command of the Visayan Force yesterday in addition to the Mindanao Force, as he is so much closer.