Today in history: Invasion of Panay
A civilian family flees from the Japanese, 1942
Louise Fillmore Blancaflor was an American married to a Filipino; on Saturday, April 18, 1942 she records their family fleeing from invading Japanese troops in Panay:
Saturday, April 18, 1942
At 5:00 p.m. while we were eating we heard two shots and we all ran out to see where they came from. We always thought we were far enough from the main road, but as we looked across the hills in the direction of the road, we clearly saw a line of trucks, tanks, cavalry and bicycle units! You can imagine our excitement – we quickly packed a bag in case we may have to run out of the house, not knowing what the Japanese would do. We were afraid they might stop and go cross-country into the hills. We watched them at a distance for a while, and realized they were continuing their march toward Capiz. We stayed in the house for the remainder of the night, but we did not have much sleep. At about 2:00 a.m. we woke up and could still see them – trucks, tanks, cavalry and bicycles, a steady stream with no end in sight.
Early next morning Coné set out to look for another place farther away from the main road. He found a place about 7 km (5 miles) further in the mountains and away from the road. The owners of the house were willing to vacate their house for us. There are 11 of us in this 2-room nipa house. At night we roll the mattresses on the floor – in the kitchen John, Calao and Adelino (the cook, laundrywoman, and Dorothy’s houseboy) sleep, and the rest sleep in the other room. We are all fairly comfortable.
The day before the invasion, Dr. Bernas sent his cow, calf and horse out of the city to Bingawan by train, but the poor horse met with a terrible accident. A carabao broke loose in the box car and gored him several times. After leaving the train station the horse had a 20 km walk to reach us, and he could hardly go another step when he arrived. Dr. Bernas and Coné treated him the best they could, but for all of their care he succumbed. Dorothy felt terrible and could not help but cry. All her pleasant memories of the horse returned. He really gave them a start in life.
The hospital in Dumalag, where Coné is stationed, was burned down by the U.S. and Philippine Army so it could not provide protection and be used by the enemy. Orders have been given to apply the scorched earth policy. Buildings and houses in Iloilo have also been burned. The main street in Iloilo (Calle Real) and Ledesma St. have been wiped out, but from what we have heard our house on Gen. Luna is still standing.
The Mission Hospital at Calinog had a different plan. They did not burn the hospital, and when the Japanese arrived the staff met them at the door. The Japanese left their arms at the gate and entered bowing.
Dr. Waters and Miss Ernst remained at their posts, but being Americans they were taken to Iloilo City along with Miss Harris, Buckner, Dr. and Mrs. Chambers, and also one Britisher, Mr. Kerr of Warner Barnes. They are now concentrated in the Iloilo provincial jail until they can be transferred to a better place.
In spite of the lack of radios and phones, we always manage to hear all the news that is going on through word of mouth. We have heard that Mrs. Waters’ 3-month old baby became sick and the Japanese allowed her to take the baby and the other two children to the hospital.