Today in History: The idea of Surrender is Proposed
A grim conference in Corregidor as Bataan commander suggests the unthinkable, 1942
Gen. Lewis Beebe was the assistant chief of staff of USFIP, the successor organization to USAFFE. Here, on April 7, 1942 he chronicles a grim conference at which the unthinkable was suggested:
Situation in Bataan today is getting worse. Gen. Funk came over today and proposed for Gen. King (C.G. Luzon Force) that possibility of surrender be considered. Gen. Wainwright gave him two orders: 1—That under no circumstances would the Luzon Force surrender, 2—That an attack was to be made in an effort to regain the M.L.R. [main line of resistance]. Later, on receipt of information that the situation did not appear to be favorable for an attack, the General modified the order, leaving it to the discretion of the Luzon Force commander. The situation has developed so unfavorably because two of the P.A. Divisions (41st and 21st) have folded up completely and have actually disappeared, leaving a big gap in the line. All reserves, principally Philippine Division, have been rushed up to fill the gap, but in the meantime the Jap troops had filtered through and pushed south. Our troops have finally headed them off, but the situation is very critical. I don’t like to think of what may happen.
Even our Philippine Division troops are not up to par because they are weak due to malnutrition. You can’t eat one-half to one-third ration for three months and keep up your strength.